Holographic Magic Show
at the e-Government Day Ceremony



JUNE. 2021

A professional performance director has staged the Holographic Magic Show as an opening performance for the Fourth e-Government Day ceremony, which features stories such as the history of e-Government, the great strides taken so far, and digital government’s future.

#1. Lay the groundwork for the 1st e-Government

  • 1967Korea’s first computer for administrative duties
    The National Bureau of Statistics of the Economic Planning Board (now Ministry of Finance and Economy) adopted the IBM 1401 to reduce the cost and time of processing statistical analysis of demographic data.
  • 1978Pilot project for administrative computerization
    Key administrative affairs were computerized and a computer network was built to share computer systems and facilitate business processes of government agencies.
  • 19875 Major national backbone networks
    In line with the information age, the national information highways were built to integrate 5 major networks: an administrative network (for government and state-invested enterprises), a financial network (for banks, insurers and securities firms), an education and research network (for universities and research institutes), and national defense and public security networks in addition to automating administrative affairs in these areas.

#2. Sow the seeds of administrative computerization

  • 2001e-Government Act and 11 Major Missions

    During the late 1990s, the e-Government emerged as a key national policy agenda.
    • ▶ Academia and the public sector raised the need to enact the e-Government Act.
    • ▶ A more effective legal and institutional basis than the Basic Act on Informatization Promotion needed to be established.
    • Basic principles for driving e-Government policies
    • Digitalization of civil complaint handling
    • Adoption and utilization of new technology-based e-Government services
    • Electronic documents serving as the basis of e-administration
    • Administrative electronic signature
    • Construction of a common platform system for data utilization
    • Sharing of administrative data
    • Adoption of the Information Technology Architecture (ITA) for enhancing e-Government operations
    • Establishment of the foundation for efficient information management
    • Policy tools for successful implementation of e-Government, including Ppreliminary discussions on e-Government projects, performance assessment, international cooperation, and designation of dedicated agencies

    Service innovation for the people and businesses, administrative productivity improvement, construction of e-Government infrastructure, and more.
  • 200331 Major Tasks under the e-Government Roadmap
    • Ambitious goals were set, including the realization of participatory democracy, balanced development, realization of the era of Northeast Asia, a per capita annual income of more than $20,000.
    • The focus was on advancing government administration by achieving a transparent administration through innovation of how government officials work; an efficient administration through innovation in information resources management; and a participatory administration by government service innovation.
  • 2010Ranked 1st at the UN e-Government survey
    The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) conducts a survey to evaluate e-Government development index and online service index among over 190 UN members. The Republic of Korea ranked first for three consecutive times in, 2010, 2012 and 2014.
  • 2016Establishment of e-Government 2020 Master Plan
    In accordance with the e-Government Act, a 5-year plan(2016-2020) was developed. Starting the second half of 2014, the government analyzed ever-changing ICT environment to better leverage the Fourth Industrial Revolution including using emerging technologies within the government. It prepared a master plan that showcases the new paradigm for e-Government and agenda.

    Various intelligent information technologies, such as AI, IoT, cloud computing, big data and mobile, have been used to expand the government’s public-private partnership efforts to political and social sectors as well as the administrative sector.

    Each individual’s complex attributes and needs have been reflected to provide integrated, tailored services.

    Intelligent information technologies have helped create a new ecosystem where government, businesses, civil societies, and individuals can work together, contributing not only to sustainable government innovation but also to social development.

#3. Digital Opens a Wonderful World

  • by 2025Enhance Data-driven Administration
    Strengthen Digital Foundation
    • Achieve 80% digital conversion rate for key public services.
    • Achieve 100% cloud conversion rate for administrative and public institutions.

    • Innovate Intelligent Services
    • Enhance Data-based Administration
    • Strengthen Digital Foundation


Digital Govertnment

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